Monday, May 17, 2010

Topic 11: Cell Phone Etiquette

I Actually Do not have A cell And Has Never Owned One!!!

Topic 10 : Communication Skills

Do you think you have good communication skills? yes but at times no beacuse I use slang something when I talk so sometimes my words try to come out how they wanna but I always correct myself.
Do you communicate differently with different groups/kinds of people? If so, why? Yes with my friends I communicate very diffrently with diffrent people. With kids I try to use facial expressioin to communicate beacuse I belive the understand mood more that words. As far A buissness Person Im not gonna use slang words or nothing like that im going to be as proper and look as if im ready for buissness

Topic Nine: Attitudes

Write a paragraph about the attitude you regular display at your service learning placement or on a job that you currently have. Is that an area you could show some improvement in over the next weeks? Give specific examples. My attitude at the daycare im at is "Its All About The Kids" , and I feel my attitude is perfect in the situations that could be thrown apone you but I have my mind and goals set and know what to do and what not. With other employees I cant say the same for them their attitudes are bad at time like they get so mad when you don't do something right when the suproviser ask you will have it hear it.

Topic 8: Workplace Safety

What are some of the potential hazards at your service learning placement? Well kids can slip and hurt them self and they have cleaning products because it important to keep the enviornment clean were kids play but it can be hazards if kisds gets hold to them.

Topic Seven: Creating Your Resume

What skills do you possess that are unique to you?Being able to multi-task is a great skill and its unique because working with those kids your hands gets very filled and you will have to learn other was to clean,work, and watch kids.
What experiences in work or the community equip you to follow a career path you would like to pursue? Well working at the daycare put me in a position were I would like to take up childcare and were im placed is very good experince to put me where i need to be to take childcare up as an career path.
What will you continue to do in your daily life to add valuable skills to your resume?I would like to find some summer jobs and more volenteer work thats will help me ge2t even more experince to add on my resume.

Topic Six: Attendance and Timeliness

Knowing your personality, do you think you will have any challenges in the career you want to pursue? Yes, Simply because parents that have kids in the daycare that I've been placed at seems that the teachers have lots of wrong doings like their kids are not bad.
Discuss any positive experiences you've had in the last week. Well My positive was that I help to teach the 2year old potty train that made me feel like i was making a diffrence in each one of those kids life.
Discuss any negative experiences you've had in the last week.One little boy named joe feel and hit his lip and his parents made it seem like we weren't doing our job because we let him fall.
What do you look forward to in the coming weeks? During the next few weeks im looking foward to learning was to handle those type of situation better.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Planning For Immediate and Long Term Success

Where do I want to be in ten years? What can I do now to get there? In Ten Years I Have High Hopes And Dreams To Be Raising My Child And I Love Kids.Well My Service Learning Placement Is At a Daycare Called Brightbeggings Preeschool I Love As Of Now But As any Job Will Be It Has Its Positive And Its Negtives,But Over All Ten Years From Now I Would Like To Be Running My Own Daycare A Have The Title Of Being A Young Successful black Woman And Awsome Mother And Wounderful Wife.